Introduction of chemical analysis in microbiology to elucidate interactions at the molecular level of the poliovirus

Project Details


Using a cell-free system for the production of virus material and capillary electrophoresis as separation technique, some unsolved issues regarding the structure and replication of picornaviruses, such as the function of some viral proteins, the mechanism of initiation of protein- and RNA-synthesis, and the different steps in the morphogenesis will be studied. It should also enable, besides the above-mentioned topics, (i) to detect subviral particles formed during the replication cycle of picornaviruses (morphogenesis), (ii) to study the interactions between the viral genome and subviral particles, which leads to the formation of new virions, (iii) to study interactions between viral RNA and cellular proteins, (iv) to consider interactions between viral and cellular proteins, (v) to monitor interactions between viral RNA and viral proteins with particular attention for the determination of the stoichiometry and affinity of, and finally (vi) to find and identify new targets for potential antiviral drugs.

Effective start/end date1/01/0731/12/10


  • Analytical Chemistry
  • antiviral compounds
  • analytical chemistry
  • virology
  • separation techniques

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Biological sciences
  • Chemical sciences
  • Basic sciences


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