IOF Proof of concept: DualCareerTools: Online assistance for athletes and support staff to optimize their competencies for a successful career.

Project Details


The objectives of the current PoC-project are to optimize and promote the online platform DualCareerTools
( by:
(a) developing a business plan and marketing strategy to successfully engage organizations worldwide (e.g. sport
federations, high performance centers, National Olympic Committees, International Olympic Committee, universities)
and consequently their members (active athletes, former athletes, and athlete support staff) to start and keep using
the paid platform of DCT.
(b) optimizing the platform based on new evolutions and user experiences.
Effective start/end date1/01/2231/12/23


  • online
  • elite athletes
  • questionnaires
  • post athletic career
  • dual career

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Sports sciences


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