IOF Proof Of Concept: SIMPAQ: Single Image Parasite Quantification, to count the number of parasite eggs in stool.

Project Details


The µFlow group of VUB has developed a new lab-on-a-disk platform under the name SIMPAQ, referring to Single Image Parasite Quantification, to count the number of parasite eggs in stool. This tool cannot only offer the sensitivity for all levels of infection intensities, it is also a portable instrument that can be used on-farm or in the remote areas of Africa, and it allows to digitalize and store the test data, which can be standardized, analyzed and reported to the farmer, veterinarian, local and international health authorities such as World Health Organization (WHO).
Effective start/end date1/01/2030/06/21


  • microfluidics
  • lab-on-chip device
  • parasite
  • eggs
  • stool

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Microfluidics/flow chemistry


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