Jean Cocteau's writings on plastic arts (Sabbatical Leave 2018 VUB-Onderzoekscontingent)

Project Details


This project aims to locate and collect all the texts Jean Cocteau wrote on plastic arts (including drawings, paintings, sculpture, tapestry, ceramics, decors and costumes for theatre and film). Many of these texts, published during Cocteau's lifetime, are to be found scattered across various newspapers and periodicals, This important corpus of texts has never been fully identified and brought together, and large parts of this extensive output have never been subject to critical commentary and assessment. Cocteau included other texts on the plastic art in his published monographies. These monographies testify to the evolution in his aesthetics, but they are often published in a truncated form. Here too, important texts have been overlooked and have not attracted critical attention. A third section of Cocteau's writing on the plastic arts includes particular
interventions, such as introductions to exhibition catalogues, radio talks, often surviving as manuscripts held in public and private collections and archives. Again, only some of these texts have been published, often in incomplete versions, and they too have received insufficient attention. The objective of this innovative project is to gather all these texts and to analyse them, in order to
prepare a scientific edition. By the end of the sabbatical year, the scientific publication will be ready for the press. It comprehends an introduction, a chronological ranking of the texts, a description of each text in its different versions, with significant variants, commentaries, critical footnotes and an
Effective start/end date1/10/1830/09/19


  • plastic arts

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Historical linguistics


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