Joint R&D: Towards Data Driven Precision Medicine in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Project Details


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease associated with breathing-related problems, with a prevalence in Belgium that is twice as high in people with low educational levels and with the highest impact on mortality inequalities in Belgium. While COPD is a lung disease requiring routine assessment of the severity of lung function impairment, the exacerbations, the associated comorbidities affecting the quality of life, health care costs, and prognosis are still significantly studied. Being very heterogeneous, COPD necessitates personalized treatment and management approaches to obtain a positive impact on patient health and quality of life. To address the above issues, COPD-PROMPT targets the development of models to predict and mitigate exacerbations and continuously assess health outcomes, potentially reducing mortality, improving health-related quality of life, and reducing healthcare costs. COPD-PROMPT proposes to develop an AI solution that processes daily life patient data captured by a mobile app, unobtrusive sensors, and clinical data and environmental data. The AI-based platform will predict exacerbations and assess health outcomes, thus informing the patient and caregivers on the patient's health status and lifestyle indications, allowing caregivers to perform early and personalized treatment.
Short title or EU acronymCOPD-PROMPT
Effective start/end date1/08/2317/11/23

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Machine learning and decision making


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