Mental HEALTH 4 ALL: Development and implementation of a digital platform for the promotion of access to mental healthcare for low language proficient third-country nationals in Europe 'MHEALTH4ALL' (OZR EU BONUS)

Project Details


During a three-year multidisciplinary trajectory, leading academics and non-academics (e.g. linguists, clinical and social psychologists,
communication scientists, migrant and healthcare provider organisations, public service interpreters), will develop, implement and
evaluate, across various European healthcare settings, an evidence-based multilingual culturally-sensitive sustainable digital information
and communication platform to enhance access to mental healthcare for third-country nationals (TCNs) with low language proficiency
(LLP) in the host country's language.
Short title or EU acronymMHEALTH4ALL
Effective start/end date1/01/2231/12/24


  • third country nationals
  • Mental health
  • language proficiency
  • eHealth
  • migrant Healthcare

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Language acquisition


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