Modularisation in Flemish secundary schools

Project Details


From the school year 2000-2001 on, 30 Flemish secundary schools will experiment with a modular instruction system. The experiment will take place in vocational training only. The research project proposed here, will evaluate to what extent modular training achieves its explicit aims. Those aims will be operationalized in such a way that they become measurable. Students in experimental schools will then be compared systematically with students in schools not involved with the experiment. Additionally the problems experienced in implementing such a drastic restructuring of our educational system will be systematically inventorized.
Effective start/end date1/10/0030/09/02


  • modularisation
  • qualification
  • sociology
  • emperical research
  • experimental school
  • empirical research
  • innovation

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Anthropology
  • Sociology


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