Nonclassical properties in conceptual entities Paradigmatic implications for the interpretation of cognition in worldview models.

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    This research is based on a model of reality using an integrated layer structure with relative emergence relation (CLEA 1996). The central aim is to indicate the existence of non-classical (quantum) structures in different segments of this worldview model (Apostel et al 1991), other than those of the micro-physical quantum layers, and to point to paradigmatic consequences for worldviews. The presence of 'quantum' properties in a system points to a dysfunction of the classical Kolmogorovian model of knowledge on that concerned system. This project inquires into the non-classical concepts 'superposition' and 'non-locality' in the human cognitive architecture. In first instance, the working hypothesis can be put to experiment by realising a computer implemented model. The superposition of cognitive states indicates the presence of non-actualised properties of an entity of cognition: implying they do not belong to the sphere of objective attributes. This indicates the observer interaction-proces itself creates the property, whereas in the classical scheme they are pre-existing attributes (Van Bendegem 1990). Originally 'nonlocality' signifies the property of spatial superposition in coupled quantum systems. Now it is investigated in cognition how this is related to the distributedness of correlated (entangled) concept entities - or classical symbols - in cognitive architectures. Specifically in cognitive situations of proposition-evaluation there exists ambiguity due to polysemy of the proposition and the influence of intrinsic contextuality. Both will be implemented by introducing i) multiple hidden units of 'relationship', ii) a hidden context-interaction parameter, in existing architectures (Hinton, McClelland, Rumelhart 1986; Hinton 1984; Smolensky 1988; Hopfield, Tank 1985). The non-classical properties of cognitive entity-processes - nonlocality and superposition - are indicated using an operational quantum formalism (OQF) and Bell inequalities. The former originates from axiomatic quantum theory (e.g. Aerts 1998). The eventual confirmation of the overall presence of 'quantum' states in the layered structure worldview model necessitates the application of non-Kolmogorovian models of knowledge, the paradigmatic consequences of which are studied (Broekaert 1999; Van Bendegem 1994).
    Effective start/end date1/10/0030/09/03


    • science

    Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

    • Mathematical sciences and statistics


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