Phytochemical and biological studies of Vietnamese herbal medicine for the development of high-value healthcare products

Project Details


The project has the following objectives:
1) To examine natural compounds of vegetable origin with interesting biological activities to be utilised as new drug or in the parapharmaceutic field, e.g. as non-nutritive and alternative sweeteners, nutraceuticals or ecological insecticides.
2) To survey medicinal plants, folklore medicine and other bioresources in Vietnam.
3) To investigate the pharmacological efficacy of selected medicinal plants and folk medicine in Vietnam using chemical and molecular biological techniques.
4) To develop analytical aspects for quality control of herbal drugs: proper fingerprints of crude extracts for identification and quality control purposes, and quantitative determination of specific active compounds
5) To develop healthcare products and/or lead molecules from Vietnamese plants
Effective start/end date1/11/0631/10/08


  • Chemometrics
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Chromatography
  • Activity measurements
  • Fingerprints

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Mathematical sciences and statistics
  • Chemical sciences
  • (Bio)chemical engineering


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