SCAN : Small Claims Analysis Net

Project Details


The SCAN project will provide a platform on the European Small Claims Procedure (ESCP) to highlight the added value of a ESCP. This objective is supported by a number of sub-objectives:

1) To collect data concerning ESCP at the national level in cross-border contexts to determine the best practices and the related implementation problems;
2) To identify the strength and the weaknesses of the new Reg. 2015/2421;
3) To compare such best practices and find common patterns, if any;
4) To develop harmonized guidelines in order to enhance awareness among EU citizens, judges and lawyers about the added value of ESCP in the national systems involved;
5) To ensure EU-wide dissemination of the above and the related training needs.

In particular, SCAN will collect and analyse data of ESCP’s state of art in each Member State of the consortium; will provide harmonized guidelines and dissemination/awareness of the raising activities through its network at international level.

Beneficiaries will be 500 Legal practitioners; 500 Academics; 50 EU policy makers and 2000 consumers by creation of a Stakeholders Network.
SCAN will extend the state of knowledge on the implementation of ESCP, will raise citizens’ awareness, will facilitate harmonized procedures in implementing the regulation and will list training needs for judges and lawyers.
Short title or EU acronymSCAN
Effective start/end date1/10/1831/01/21


  • law
  • small claims

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Family law
  • Constitutional law
  • Corporate law
  • Comparative law


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