SHALGO - A valorisation programme for social science and humanities research on algorithmic systems

Project Details


The role and importance of social science and humanites (SSH) has become more and more acknowledged in Research,
Development & Innovation (RDI) strategies, methodologies, workprogrammes and funding schemes. It is becoming widely
understood that technology is not developed in a vacuum but exists within a social and cultural context. Social science research
helps to identify potential benefits and -risks, ethical considerations, and unintended consequences associated with the
implementation of new technologies. The integration of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) has become a key principle
throughout the Horizon Europe Programme in all of its clusters, including missions and partnerships.
SMIT is acknowledged as a top VUB and IMEC research center that focuses on the interaction between digital technology and
society. As IOF Gear research group, we want further valorize SMIT’s position on regional, national as well as international
level on exploiting and strengthening our research portfolio (in terms of innovative tools, methods as well as collaborations) in
order to enhance our value as an SSH research partner for RDI projects, especially in the context of AI. For this, we will develop
a valorisation strategy based on three different research clusters in which SMIT expertise has been integrated: Human-AI, AI
for Human and AI & Governance. The programme will result in the development of measuring & monitor instruments, new
research collaborations and new valorisation formats, notably (but not only) via our three Knowledge Centres (Mediawijs,
Kenniscentrum Data & Maatschappij and Mediapunt) as well as the exploration of licensing strategies.
The consolidation of a specific SSH-for-AI research strategy, service offering and supporting tools will position SMIT as
reference SSH centre for RDI in AI. It will enable to continuously optimize our research and valorisation strategy to support
industry, government and other academic partners in addressing research challenges related to user (user experience, user
engagement, behaviour analysis, technology acceptance, HCI, trust & ethics), market and business (data-ecosystem mapping,
data-governance, media repertoire) and policy (media-policy, policy analysis & recommendations, inclusion, data-driven
decision support systems…).
Effective start/end date1/01/2431/12/28


  • social science
  • human AI
  • Algorythmic systems

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Other social sciences not elsewhere classified


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