SRP-Groeifinanciering: Single-domain antibody fragment (SdAb)-based TArgeted Radionuclide Therapy: STaRT programme

Project Details


The Strategic Research Programme - Growth - SdAb-based Targeted Radionuclide Therapy (STaRT) brings together a unique group of experts that aims to conduct a patient-focused STaRT programme with the potential of clinical translation in the next 5 years. The consortium intents to preclinically validate and translate into the clinic a single-domain antibody fragment (sdAb)-based platform as a tool for targeted radionuclide therapy (TRNT) of cancer. In this case, cytotoxic radiation is selectively delivered to cancer cells using targeting vector moieties such as monoclonal antibodies or their derived fragments, smaller synthetic proteins or peptides.
Within this partnership, the research sub-unit of ICMI at the VUB will focus on the preclinical evaluation of novel applications for sdAbs-based TRNT. This will be combined with the clinical experience and research expertise that exist in both the Nuclear Medicine and the Medical Oncology departments of UZ Brussels to (I) assure the successful preparation of the envisaged clinical translation, (II) to select the best radiopharmaceutical and clinical setting for clinical translation and (III) to actually translate it into a first-in-human / phase 1 clinical trial. If proven to be effective, it has the potential to impact current therapeutic strategies in difficult-to-treat cancers.
Effective start/end date1/03/1930/09/24


  • radionuclide therapy

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Human and medical genetics not elsewhere classified
  • Other clinical sciences not elsewhere classified


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