STEM Project: robotics lending box

Project Details


The Brussels science box, in close collaboration with Brightlab, BruBotics and Flanders Make, wants to offer a free science box with which teachers from Dutch-speaking primary education in Brussels can learn about robotics. The teachers can borrow the dozens, filled with reusable materials, in every municipality in the Region. Using puzzles and assignments in this practical activity box, the students will get to know robotics and build a robot themselves.
Through the box, the children will learn that robots can be very diverse. With sturdy cardboard and a portion of creativity, they can determine the shape of their robot. We have provided different types of sensors in the robot (light, sound, motion sensor, etc.) so that they can personalize their robot.
In a second part of this robotics box, we would like to design a collaboration with the libraries. With the help of trained student engineers from the VUB, we can organize a workshop afternoon in the weekend in various Dutch-speaking libraries. In this way, children, young people and families can also discover the box in their free time.
Effective start/end date1/07/2431/08/25


  • robotics

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Robotics and automatic control