Sustainable energy use of bio fuels

  • Van Mierlo, Joeri (Administrative Promotor)
  • Wynen, Vincent (Collaborator)
  • Boureima, Faycal-Siddikou (Collaborator)
  • Sergeant, Nele (Collaborator)

Project Details


The purpose of the BIOSES project is to create a roadmap for liquid bio-fuels implementation in Belgium, with a focus on the demand side (end use), defining technical needs and policy needs in the short (2010), medium (2020) and long (2030) term. Based on updated figures of energy use, emissions and costs, the project will perform an assessment of the practical feasibility and analyse the environmental, socio-economic and macro-economic impacts of bio-fuel implementation in Belgium.
The project focuses on the application of high bio-fuel blends and looks into different scenarios. Different scenarios have a different social, economic and ecological impact on the transport system as a whole. Concerning vehicle emissions, tests will be performed in real traffic conditions to exactly quantify the impact of high bio-fuel blends.
The analysis will be done through:
- developing scenarios for fossil fuel and bio-fuel demand on short, mid and long term, aggregated and differentiated for different user/vehicle/fuel combinations;
- analysing the impact of the scenarios from a user perspective: analysis of energy use and emissions related to the introduction of bio-fuels, mainly from a tank-to-wheel (end use) perspective. Energy use and emissions on vehicle level will be quantified by measurements in real traffic circumstances on latest technology vehicles.
- analysing the overall energy and environmental impact of the different bio-fuel vehicles and compare them with conventional and other alternative vehicle technologies on a well-to-wheel basis. Three indicators will be developed: Ecoscore, global warming and energy consumption.
- analysing the socio-economic feasibility of the introduction of the bio-fuel scenarios, possible barriers and development of implementation pathways for the introduction, including different policy instruments; this will lead to a bio-fuel roadmap for the Belgian situation;
- analysing the impact of the scenarios on the Belgian transport system as a whole. This includes a system analysis, macro-economic analysis and quantification of the effect of scenarios on total emissions related to transport in Belgium.
- drawing up recommendation documents, which will be disseminated through workshops towards policy makers and end users.
Effective start/end date1/01/0831/12/08


  • bio-fuels
  • Energy
  • Transport

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Mechanical and manufacturing engineering
  • (Bio)chemical engineering
  • Civil and building engineering


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