Sustainable renovation strategies for post-war heritage in Brussels: the VUB student residences of Willy Van Der Meeren as a Living Lab

Project Details


The WVDM Living Lab aims to develop an innovative, integrated method and concrete strategies for the renovation of the post-war, Brussels residential patrimony, based on new theoretical insights and validated with practical tests. The integral approach combines the aspects of energy, heritage, sustainability and economy.
Short title or EU acronymLiving Labs: WVDM
Effective start/end date1/12/1730/11/21


  • post-war heritage
  • Willy Van Der Meeren
  • renovation strategies
  • living lab
  • Brussels

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Built heritage and renovation
  • Sustainable building
  • Sustainable buildings and cities
  • Architectural sciences and technology


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