The DöBra cards 2.0: Investigating promotion of early, proactive end-of-life conversations through co-creation and testing of a digital conversation tool

  • Van den Block, Lieve (Administrative Promotor)
  • Dupont, Charlèss (PI (Promotor, Principal Investigator))

Project Details


Dying and death affect us all, but proactive reflection and discussion about future end-of-life (EoL) care, known as advance care planning (ACP), is largely lacking in Sweden. ACP has been shown to increase quality of life, healthcare satisfaction, and use of palliative care, without causing stress or anxiety for target persons (TPs) or their significant others (SOs). The aim of this project is to further develop and investigate the promotion of early, proactive EoL conversations by, in collaboration with potential community-based end-users, co-creating and testing a digital version of an existing ACP conversation tool, the DöBra cards.
Short title or EU acronymDöBra cards 2.0
Effective start/end date27/09/2431/12/26


  • End of Life
  • digital conversation tool

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Palliative care and end-of-life care