The future for hydrogen

  • Sergeant, Nele (Collaborator)
  • Van Mierlo, Joeri (Administrative Promotor)
  • Matheys, Julien (Collaborator)
  • Wynen, Vincent (Collaborator)

Project Details


This project is an explorative research in which the general tendencies in the domain of hydrogen technology are described. The main goal is to detect a number of policy relevant research questions in this research domain and to present relevant information to the Flemish Parliament to support its activities. The approach consists of three steps: a literature scan, expert interviews and a debate in the Flemish Parliament.
The literature scan consists of a short, explorative study on the general developments in the domain of hydrogen technology, but also with a focus on the societal aspects (what are the tendencies, risks, obstacles, possibilities, alternatives, etc.). It will also take a look at which knowledge is present for which organizations involved in this domain. In a second step, relevant experts and stakeholders are questioned with the aim of identifying the relevant problem formulations for the policy. In a third and last step, interesting points of discussion and policy relevant themes from the analysis of the interviews will be presented to a panel of experts during a debate in the Flemish Parliament. The goal of this debate is to put the conclusions of the interviews into perspective and to detail more opinions.
Effective start/end date13/09/0712/09/08


  • society
  • hydrogen
  • energy

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Mechanical and manufacturing engineering
  • Electrical and electronic engineering
  • (Bio)chemical engineering


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