Tijdelijke LEERSTOEL op naam: (Gemengd onderwijs en onderzoek) Stewardship of Finance - Voor een duurzame financiële dienstverlening.

Project Details


Chair on ethical financial services

The Vrije Universiteit Brussel is pleased to anounce the Chair on 'Stewardship of Finance'. This chair is sponsored by six major insurance companies which strive to develop their activities in a sustainable and responsible manner. The chair runs for five years, and will focus on research as well as on education.
Anthropologist Paul Jorion, holder of the chair and guest professor 2012-2017
The chair started in the academic year 2012-2013. This academic year the famous Belgian anthropologist, Paul Jorion will give several guest lectures related to the theme of the chair. See programme.

16 hours of guest lectures
The lectures will take place at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. In the course of the academic year 2013-2014 the lectures will be accompanied by a symposium on corporate governance in financial institutions (spring 2014).

Research and education
The chair is founded on two pillars: research and education.
Doctorandi will examine the theme of ethical financial services from the perspective of various scientific disciplines in order. This research has to give rise to new insights about the ethics and morals of financial activities, more specifically of insurance and financial management.
Students from various disciplines will learn to think about the stewardship of finance during a series of lectures; knowledge which they will be able to subsequently implement once they start working in the financial sector. Professors from ULB and Vesalius College will also participate in the project and will encourage their students to attend.

see http://www.vub.ac.be/leerstoel/stewardship-finance
Effective start/end date10/07/1231/12/17


  • Travel Contracts
  • Intellectual Property
  • Insurance Law
  • Investment Climate For S.M.E.
  • Corporation Law

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Law


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