ULB-VUB Joint Research Group: Brussels (Bio)Pharmaceutical Analysis Research Group - BBRG

Project Details


Biopharmaceuticals represent one of the fastest growing classes of new drug molecules. New synthetic strategies to reduce the rapid metabolism of peptides, along with the availability of new formulation and delivery technologies, resulted in an increased marketing of peptide drug products. Also the identification and analysis of biomarkers for various diseases is becoming increasingly important.

In this regard, the development of analytical methods for quantification of peptides and biomarkers in biological fluids is of utmost importance. From the sample preparation step to their analysis by means of chromatographic or electrophoretic methods using various detection approaches, many difficulties should be tackled to analyze them. For this purpose, a method development approach using various techniques will be used where we will investigate the potential of alternative detection approaches, such as mass spectrometry and electrochemical detection. Finally, a rational approach will be defined for the data analysis of the obtained results.
Effective start/end date5/11/142/10/28


  • Pharmacology

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Pharmacology not elsewhere classified


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