Video Processing for Multiview Multimodal Camera Systems

Project Details


Free viewpoint (multiview) video aims at enabling virtual navigation in a dynamic 3D scene from arbitrary camera locations and orientations. The associated technologies also signify the solution to the problem of providing genuinely immersive “glasses-free” 3D media, offering not only stereopsis, but also motion parallax. Capturing high-quality multiview content from real-world scenes is an enormous challenge, requiring a huge number of views from finely spaced angles. Unavoidably, the number of captured views is much lower than what required thus, the missing views need to be estimated. However, such view synthesis needs to account for the distances between objects and cameras, complex 3D structure, illumination changes and non-Lambertian reflectance, none of which are captured directly by single cameras. Existing solutions based on stereo or sparse multiview camera setups fail to deliver acceptable 3D video quality. To solve this problem, we propose a fundamental paradigm shift, focusing on multiview multimodal camera systems that combine depth sensors and colour cameras of various spatial resolutions. Multimodal systems are more versatile than linear camera arrays, thereby posing significant research challenges. The goal of the project is to substantially advance over the state-of-the-art on multiview depth estimation and view synthesis by designing radically new algorithms inspired by the new theoretical framework of
compressed sensing with side information.
Short title or EU acronymFWO project
Effective start/end date1/01/1831/12/21


  • video
  • Electronics

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Electronics not elsewhere classified


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