Vlir-Interuniversity co-operation Hanoi University of Technology

  • Van Loon, Ronald (Administrative Promotor)

Project Details


The main objective of the programme for Institutional University Co-operation is to substantially improve the quality of education in the first cycle (i.e. at undergraduate level). HUT therefore request specific support for the fundamental science laboratories where all first-year students receive practical and theoretical training in chemistry and physics, as well as an electronics workshop. In ist general argumentation, HUT emphasises the importance of improving the quality of the undergraduate programmes, which usually do not attract a great deal of foreign interest. Furthermore, the institute draws attention to the discrepancy between the inadequality equipped laboratories and departments on the one hand and the number of students that need to receive training on the other (i.e. all first-year students -over 3000 every year- receive practical and theoretical training in fundamental sciences at these labs and departments). Finally, it is argued that investing in fundamental sciences will bebefit all first-year students at the university and this meets requirements of VLIR regarding the institutional impact of co-operation. The impression formed during a visit to the laboratories in question confirms that they are in a difficult situtation: they are undervalued in terms of equipment and staffing levels, but they are overused as a result of the great numbers of students.
Effective start/end date1/01/9830/04/99


  • cooperation
  • basic science
  • exchange

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Mathematical sciences and statistics
  • Electrical and electronic engineering
  • Chemical sciences
  • (Bio)chemical engineering
  • Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and allied sciences


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