A categorical interpretation of Morita equivalence for dynamical von Neumann algebras

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Let G be a locally compact quantum group and (M,α) a G-W-algebra. The object of study of this paper is the W-category RepG(M) of normal, unital G-representations of M on Hilbert spaces endowed with a unitary G-representation. This category has a right action of the category Rep(G)=RepG(C) for which it becomes a right Rep(G)-module W-category. Given another G-W-algebra (N,β), we denote the category of normal ⁎-functors RepG(N)→RepG(M) compatible with the Rep(G)-module structure by FunRep(G)(RepG(N),RepG(M)) and we denote the category of G-M-N-correspondences, studied in [5], by CorrG(M,N). We prove that there are canonical functors P:CorrG(M,N)→FunRep(G)(RepG(N),RepG(M)) and Q:FunRep(G)(RepG(N),RepG(M))→CorrG(M,N) such that Q∘P≅id. We use these functors to show that the G-dynamical von Neumann algebras (M,α) and (N,β) are equivariantly Morita equivalent if and only if RepG(N) and RepG(M) are equivalent as Rep(G)-module-W-categories. Specializing to the case where G is a compact quantum group, we prove that moreover P∘Q≅id, so that the categories CorrG(M,N) and FunRep(G)(RepG(N),RepG(M)) are equivalent. This is an equivariant version of the Eilenberg-Watts theorem for actions of compact quantum groups on von Neumann algebras.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)673-702
Number of pages30
JournalJournal of Algebra
Publication statusPublished - 15 Mar 2025

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The research of the author was supported by Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Flanders), via an FWO Aspirant fellowship, grant 1162522N. The author would like to thank K. De Commer for useful input and discussions throughout this entire project. We thank J. Krajczok, L. Rollier and J. Vercruysse for a useful discussion.

Funding Information:
The research of the author was supported by Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Flanders), via an FWO Aspirant fellowship, grant 1162524N. The author would like to thank K. De Commer for useful input and discussions throughout this entire project. We thank J. Krajczok, L. Rollier and J. Vercruysse for a useful discussion.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 Elsevier Inc.

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