A conceptual model for measuring the health associations of precarious employment in Post-Fordist labour markets

Christophe Vanroelen, Alejandra Vives, Katia Levecque, Kim Bosmans, Maya Braeckman, Joan Benach, Freddy Louckx

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingMeeting abstract (Book)


In western labour markets standard employment has declined in favour of various non-standard employment arrangements. Adverse consequences for health and well-being resulting from non-standard employment arrangements were shown previously. However, it is often difficult to conceptualise non-standard employment conditions appropriately. So far, research has followed largely two approaches: studying the health consequences of specific types of non-standard arrangements (fixed-term, agency or part-time contracts); or focussing on the psychosocial consequences of violated psychological contracts in terms of employment security or organisational fairness. Both approaches have conceptual limitations when studying employment as an objective condition.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPoster presented at the "Reducing Health Inequalities from a Regional perspective - What works what does not?' conference
Publication statusPublished - 8 Nov 2010
EventReducing health inequalities from a regional perspective. What works, what doesn’t? - Genk, Belgium
Duration: 8 Nov 20109 Nov 2010


ConferenceReducing health inequalities from a regional perspective. What works, what doesn’t?


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