A holistic strategy for the further development of academic libraries.

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paper


This contribution gives a structured overview of the holistic strategy that is applied and tested in several projects that aim at the further development of university libraries. Experience built up during nine years up to now has shown that this strategy is quite successful. The strategy is applied in horizontal projects that aim at institutional capacity building, besides other projects that make up programs of inter-university co-operation between on the one hand the universities in Flanders (which is the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) and on the other hand several selected universities in the South.
These programs are supported by the Belgian Government through the Flemish Inter-university Council (VLIR). The duration of each program is ten years. Many components at the level of the whole program and of the specific library project have been integrated to obtain a synergy. In other words, integrating all inputs (funds and time) has contributed to the generation of desired outputs.

The presentation covers factors that have contributed to the synergy, efficiency, cost-effectiveness and overall success.

The author hopes that all this may inspire other development programs. At the same time it should be clear that the approach presented here is still far from perfect and that a single recipe cannot be suitable for any situation. At least a discussion about the various building blocks of this strategy can be constructive.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of ICOL2007 = International Conference on Libraries 2007 “Emerging trends”,
PublisherUniversiti Sains Malaysia Libraries
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • libraries
  • universities
  • development
  • VLIR
  • information centers
  • academic libraries


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