A numerical study of the effects of lateral flow and retention in open tubular vortex chromatography

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Axial dispersion in chromatographic columns is responsible for a reduced separation efficiency. In the present research macrotransport theory is used to predict the phenomenological constants related to axial dispersion. We evaluate the efficacy of lateral flow induced by alternating current (AC) in the presence of retaining walls on the separation resolution. Results show that lateral flows induced by laterally applied potentials as low as 0.3 V reduce C-term dispersion by a factor of 5.0 for unretained conditions (k = 0) and 2.7 for retained (k = 5) conditions, with a diffusion coefficient (Dm) of 10–11m2/s. The present paper further contributes to the understanding of the use of secondary lateral flows for dispersion reduction and offers practical guidance for designing future vortex chromatographic columns. It appears that a maximal performance gain is attained at low aspect ratios (AR=1), with the gain reduced from a factor of 5 to 1.6 for AR=4 for unretained conditions, and from 2.7 to 1.4 for retained conditions (k = 5)

Original languageEnglish
Article number465370
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Chromatography A
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2024

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
WDM acknowledges support from the European Research Council (ERC PoC project \u201CEVO-LC\u201D), the Research Council of VUB (Strategic Research Program \u201CSubCellDynamite\u201D) and WDM and IB acknowledge support of the European Innovation Council (Pathfinder project \u201CVortexLC\u201D)

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Author(s)

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