About the convergency between adjectival and adverbial adjuncts

Michel Pierrard, Eva Havu

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Prototypically, object complements are controlled by a noun phrase in the main predication, whereas adverbs depend on a predicate or a predication. However, in some types of constructions, adjectives seem to have adverbial functions and adverbs an adjectival orientation. Should these constructions be considered as closely related and belonging to a larger category, that of adjuncts ? We set out to prove that languages like French clearly distinguish adjectival and adverbial adjuncts, in spite of some similar functions.
Translated title of the contributionAbout the convergency between adjectival and adverbial adjuncts
Original languageFrench
Title of host publicationSur les traces de l'adjectif
EditorsFriederike Spitzl-Dupic, Michaël Grégoire, Lidia Lebas-Fraczak, Richard Ryan
Place of PublicationClermont-Ferrand
PublisherPresses Universitaires Blaise Pascal
Number of pages13
ISBN (Electronic)978-2-84516-744-5
ISBN (Print)978-2-84516-743-8
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Publication series

NameCahier du LRT
ISSN (Print)1960-3479


  • French Linguistics
  • Syntaxe et sémantique du français moderne


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