Bistability in a system of two species interacting through mutualism as well as competition: Chemostat vs. Lotka-Volterra equations

Stefan Vet, Sophie de Buyl, Karoline Faust, Jan Danckaert, Didier Gonze, Lendert Gelens

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

23 Citations (Scopus)


We theoretically study the dynamics of two interacting microbial species in the chemostat. These species are competitors for a common resource, as well as mutualists due to cross-feeding. In line with previous studies (Assaneo, et al., 2013; Holland, et al., 2010; Iwata, et al., 2011), we demonstrate that this system has a rich repertoire of dynamical behavior, including bistability. Standard Lotka-Volterra equations are not capable to describe this particular system, as these account for only one type of interaction (mutualistic or competitive). We show here that the different steady state solutions can be well captured by an extended Lotka-Volterra model, which better describe the density-dependent interaction (mutualism at low density and competition at high density). This two-variable model provides a more intuitive description of the dynamical behavior than the chemostat equations.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0197462
Number of pages15
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jun 2018


  • Computer Simulation
  • Microbial Interactions
  • Models, Biological
  • Netherlands
  • Population Dynamics
  • Symbiosis/physiology


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