Burn-out als een netwerk van symptomen: De relatie tussen netwerkconnectiviteit van burn-outsymptomen en chronische stress

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The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric network structure of burnout symptoms and to examine whether the strength of relationships between symptoms varies depending on the chronic stress experienced by an individual. In this way, we illustrate the added value of a network approach to studying burnout. We expect that burnout symptoms will be more strongly interrelated at higher levels of stress, as chronic stress is seen as a crucial factor in the development of burnout. This aligns with the core hypothesis of the network perspective, which posits that symptoms of disorders influence each other more strongly when an individual is in a pathological state. We tested this hypothesis using a cross-sectional online survey design. A total of 460 participants completed a demographic questionnaire, followed by the Perceived Stress Scale and Burnout Assessment Tool. Results confirmed the hypothesis: the centrality of the network model was higher among individuals with moderate to high levels of chronic stress. This was mainly due to stronger connections of depressive symptoms within the burnout network. We conclude that the network approach can make a valuable contribution to research on the development of burnout and offer useful insights for prevention and treatment.

Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)368-394
Number of pages27
JournalGedrag & Organisatie
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© Tim Vantilborgh, Eva Mertens, Femke Legroux, Valentina Sagmeister & Sara De Gieter.


  • burnout
  • chronic stress
  • network analysis

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