
Stella, at the age of 28 years old, is a novice dual career support provider at a European university. For the past two years she has been assisting student-athletes in their dual “university and high-performance sport” career pathway. Stella is no stranger to the university where she currently works. She was a well-known student-athlete herself, combining a professional beach volleyball career with studies in sports science. During Stella’s time as a student at the university, services for student-athletes were nonexistent. Upon starting with her university job, Stella realized that support services for student-athletes at the university had not improved since she graduated, and that she had to start developing them from scratch. Stella’s work with the student-athletes themselves has mainly been academic and organizational in nature.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBuilding Consulting Skills for Sport and Performance Psychology
Subtitle of host publicationAn International Case Study Collection
EditorsSarah Castillo, Chelsea Wooding, Doug Barba, Stiliani Ani Chroni
Place of PublicationNew York
Number of pages5
ISBN (Electronic)9781003089629
ISBN (Print)9780367545406
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2022


  • dual career
  • sport and education
  • Erasmus+
  • student-athletes


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