Collaborative decision-making in sustainable mobility: identifying possible consensuses in the multi-actor multi-criteria analysis based on inverse mixed-integer linear optimization

He Huang, Yves De Smet, Cathy Macharis, Anh Vu Doan Nguyen

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Sustainability is a key word in modern transportation and logistics. It requires not only economic development but also environmental and social actions. The involvement of multiple stakeholders can express different perspectives and interests to achieve the balance between these three pillars. The multi-actor multi-criteria analysis (MAMCA) is a methodology that can include multiple stakeholders in the process of decision-making. It is important in the field of transport and logistic project appraisal, as many projects fail to be implemented because of a lack of support from one or more stakeholders. In MAMCA, multiple stakeholders can use different criteria trees and express their own preferences. At the end of the analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of each of the proposed scenarios are highlighted. Possible consensuses are then being discussed. However, this last step often turns out to be a difficult task. The purpose of this paper is to propose a way to help the facilitator to identify this (these) consensus(es). This will be based on the use of a weight sensitivity analysis model that was recently developed in the context of the PROMETHEE methods and which is based on inverse mixed-integer linear optimization. This approach allows finding the minimum weight modification for each stakeholder in order to improve the position of a given alternative in the individual rankings and, in an ideal case, to the first position of all the rankings simultaneously. This approach is illustrated on two real MAMCA logistic project cases to seek sustainable mobility solutions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-11
Number of pages11
JournalInternational Journal for Sustainable Development & World Ecology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jul 2020


  • Collaborative decision making
  • multi-criteria decision aid
  • sustainable mobility
  • consensus


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