Cooperative Foraging Behaviour Through Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Graph-Based Communication

Research output: Unpublished contribution to conferenceUnpublished paper


According to the social intelligence hypothesis, cooperation is considered a key
component of intelligence and is required to solve a wide range of problems, from
everyday challenges like scheduling meetings to global challenges like mitigating
climate change and providing humanitarian aid. Extending the ability for artificial
intelligence (AI) to cooperate well is critical as AI becomes more prevalent in our
lives. In recent years, multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has emerged
as a powerful approach to model and analyse the problem of cooperation among
artificial agents. In this paper, we investigate the impact of communication on
cooperation among reinforcement learning agents in social dilemmas. These are
settings in which the short-term individual interests are in conflict with the longterm collective ones, thus each individual profits from defecting, but the overall
group would benefit if everyone cooperates. We particularly focus on a temporally and spatially extended Stag-Hunt-like social dilemma that models animal
foraging behaviour using principles from Optimal Foraging Theory. We propose
a method for communication that combines a graph-based attention mechanism
with deep reinforcement learning methods. Additionally, we examine several
facets of communication, including the effects of the communication topology
and the communication range. We find that greater cooperative behaviour can
be achieved through graph-based communication using reinforcement learning in
social dilemmas. Additionally, we find that during foraging, local communication
promotes better cooperation than long-distance communication. Finally, we visualise and investigate the learned attention weights and explain how agents process
communications from other agents.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
Publication statusAccepted/In press - Aug 2023
EventThe 16th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Duration: 14 Sep 202316 Sep 2023


WorkshopThe 16th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning
Abbreviated titleEWRL 2023
Internet address


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