D2.3 – KPI Definition and Selection

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


This deliverable describes use cases and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to be
defined within the RENAISSANCE project. The document also outlines the
methodology followed to identify and define KPIs according to the aims to assess
the degree of achievement of the different objectives defined in the RENAISSANCE
project, especially at the pilot sites.
The document collects both general KPIs, applicable to all pilot sites, and specific
KPIs, applicable to specific sites, their definitions and calculation methods to
monitor the progress of the RENAISSANCE project and to make a comparative
assessment of the LEC developed at each pilot site. This allows for quantification of
the improvement compared to previous stages and for a site-to-site comparison.
These data will provide the required inputs for the optimal co-design and
simulation (WP2); development of business models and smart contracts (WP3); and
benchmark, validation and replicability analyses (WP6).
The general KPIs described in this document can be classified as technical,
economic, social and environmental.
This document serves as foundation and guidebook for the KPIs that should be
considered. As the pilot sites differ among each other, so do the available data.
Therefore, not all KPIs are applicable for all pilot sites. Each pilot site owner will
create a suitable set of KPIs for the specific site.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages77
Publication statusPublished - 21 Apr 2021


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