Maria Luisa Lode, Pilar Meneses, Aitor Milo

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


Energy regulation changes in Europe are contributing to the transition
towards a more sustainable, democratic and end-user centred energy
system. In this transformation the integration of RESs (Renewable Energy
Sources) and DERs (Distributed Energy resources) will play a main role from
the energy generation point of view. But this transition goes beyond the
energy sources itself, a new paradigm of economic relations between energy
systems actors is emerging where the communities and the development of
new BMs (Business Models) will have an important role.
Energy communities will be the scenario to develop the bottom-up energy
system transition where the members of the community will be able to
manage the relationship between them and with other communities or
transfer this role to a third party to operate on behalf of them. These
relationships will be managed by new business models based with not only
economic, efficiency and environmental criteria but also with social,
solidarity and equality ones.
This deliverable provides a global perspective of the potential business
models for the existing local energy system configurations through a
comprehensive literature review, mapping and benchmarking.
The report aims to provide an overview of the innovation of sustainable
business models on the overall ecosystem and examples of new business
models. An identification process of business models, activities and actors
in the local energy communities’ framework is accomplished. A
benchmarking of five (5) potential BMs for LEC implementation based on KPI
defined in T2.3 is presented. In addition, in this document, a description of
the BM and markets that potentially could be developed in each of the
RENAISSANCE project demo-sites is provided.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages106
Publication statusPublished - 21 Apr 2021


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