Deliverable 1.1d: Report on Structured Literature Review: CCI and Media Cluster Literature

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportResearch

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This report is dedicated to Work Package 1 – Conceptual coordination of mapping Brussels’ media industry of the Media Clusters Brussels project. Work Package 1 is committed to develop the overarching concepts for the three levels of the other Work Packages, media institutions, workers and communities. The output of this Deliverable is a review on current media cluster literature and literature on related concepts. An overview of the state of the research field is given and an outline drawn for a future research agenda. The findings of this Deliverable will be used within the other Work Packages to determinate the most suitable analysis frameworks for the media industry and the media clustering phenomenon in Brussels and beyond.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherStudies on Media, Information and Telecommunication (SMIT)
Commissioning bodyINNOVIRIS - Brussels Institute for scientific research
Number of pages76
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2017


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