Deliverable 2.2 Media ID Cost and Revenue Model

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportResearch


    This Deliverable concentrates on the creation of a realistic and validated cost and revenue model for Media ID. Media ID will consolidate user authentication and identity management for a wide range of Belgian media partners. Through that the Media ID project will help the media partners to generate new values for their platforms in various ways. This Deliverable has the ambition to predict the future of the related media industry and the outcomes in both, revenue and costs, for each of the individual media partners. For that purpose, all involved media partners has been interviewed to find realistic future scenarios of the service.
    Original languageEnglish
    EditionMEDIA ID - A next generation federated identity management solu
    Publication statusPublished - 27 May 2014


    • Media ID
    • cost and revenue model
    • scenarios
    • media industry
    • Belgium
    • market analysis


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