Distribution of dissolved and particulate barium in Antarctic sea ice

Stephanie Jacquet, Sandrine Chifflet, Anne Julie Cavagna, Frank Dehairs, Laurence Monin, Delphine Lannuzel

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingMeeting abstract (Book)


Dissolved Ba (D-Ba) in oceanic waters behaves as a bio-intermediate element and presents strong similarities to nutrients and alkalinity distributions. However, the biogeochemical cycling of Ba is unique and strongly linked with the particulate biogenic Ba (P-Ba; mainly formed as barite crystals, BaSO4) dynamics. In surface waters, P-Ba forms during particulate organic matter degradation by prokaryotes activity, and D-Ba subtraction in ambient water during this process is responsible for subsurface water D-Ba depletion. In sediments, P-Ba is used as an indicator of surface (paleo)-export production. To go further in understanding the interaction between the dissolved and particulate Ba phases and controls on their dynamics, P-Ba and D-Ba were measured in Antarctic sea ice (SIPEX-II cruise, 2012) where previous studies interestingly reported barite accumulation. Results will be confronted to sea-ice biogeochemical properties and discussed in the context of the importance of the Antarctic sea-ice zone as a driver and indicator of global climate processes.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Symposium on Sea Ice in a Changing Environment, 10-14/03/2014, Hobart Australia
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventInternational Symposium on Sea Ice in a Changing Environment, 10-14/03/2014, Hobart Australia - Hobart, United Kingdom
Duration: 10 Mar 201414 Mar 2014


ConferenceInternational Symposium on Sea Ice in a Changing Environment, 10-14/03/2014, Hobart Australia
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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