Efficient extraction of the directional wave curves from a pulsed ultrasonic polar scan experiment

Mathias Kersemans, Nicolas Lammens, Wim Van Paepegem, Koen Van Den Abeele, Lincy Pyl, Filip Zastavnik, Hugo Sol, Joris Degrieck

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paper

1 Citation (Scopus)


The pulsed ultrasonic polar scan (UPS) technique provides an amplitude map with characteristic contours reflecting the critical bulk wave angles, which relate to the mechanical stiffness of the insonified material spot. Besides these contours, additional information is captured in a UPS experiment which has particular importance for the inspection of anisotropic materials. By extensive post-processing on a single UPS experiment, we successfully extracted (i) the critical bulk wave angles, (ii) the phase velocity profile, (iii) the slowness vector, (iv) the walk-off angles and (v) the energy velocity profile, and this for the three different polarization states of bulk waves. The procedure is demonstrated and discussed for an aluminum sample as well as an autoclave manufactured orthotropic [0]8 carbon/epoxy laminate, both having arbitrary dimensions. Comparison with numerical computations yield good agreement. It is worth noting that the carbon/epoxy laminate shows an extraordinary large walk-off angle of more than 70° for the longitudinally polarized wave.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication12th international conference for non-destructive testing (ICNDT12 - 2013), Proceedings
EditorsJanez Grum, Tomaz Kek
Place of PublicationLjubljana, Slovenia
PublisherSlovenian Society for Non-Destructive Testing
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)978-961-93537-0-7
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event12th international conference for non-destructive testing - Portoroz, Slovenia
Duration: 4 Sep 20136 Sep 2013


Conference12th international conference for non-destructive testing
Abbreviated titleICNDT12 - 2013

Bibliographical note

Janez Grum and Tomaz Kek


  • direct wave curves
  • pulsed ultrasonic polar scan
  • walk-off angle
  • anisotropy


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