Electric vehicle attitudes and purchase intention: A Flemish case study

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23 Citations (Scopus)


Why are EVs not yet visible in our streets? Several studies presented in literature are focused on the consumer and his perception. It is only recently researchers are taking into account whether the consumer actually drove an EV. A living lab, forms the ideal environment to investigate the perception of test users. Test drivers were asked to fill-in a questionnaire after a ten weeks electric vehicle testing period.
Overall, the test panel had a moderate positive attitude towards electric mobility. The test panel confirms that the low cost per kilometer, environmental friendly character and charging at home are important advantages. Consumers with a more positive attitude towards electric mobility experience the environmental character as a bigger advantage. The limited electric range still remains the main disadvantage, followed by the high purchase price. Surprisingly consumers with a more positive attitude attached more importance to the higher purchase price. The willingness to purchase an EV is in some way related to someone's attitude towards electric mobility: the more positive, the sooner one is willing to purchase an EV. The majority consider buying an electric car in the near future (within 4 years).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)83-100
Number of pages18
JournalInternational Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • electric vehcile
  • living lab
  • attitude
  • purchase intention


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