
The EXIT Europe project aims at establishing local exit programs across the continent, while resorting to a multi-agency approach. The exit intervention - based on a therapeutic process lead by two practitioners – require the balancing of fundamental rights and ethical principles: the client’s right to privacy and data protection as well as his freedom of expression are but ones of the legal notions at stake, given the general interest to guide some opinions and acts into legal modes of operation within the framework of democracy.
The present deliverable offers a methodology which assures observance of the ARTES framework both in the research conducted by the EXIT Europe Consortium and in the final product of the local exit programs. To this end, the purpose of this deliverable is to outline in broad terms the legal and ethical principles that will apply to the following impact assessment. Subsequently, in order to ascertain whether these principles will be met, a number of questions will be asked to each consortium partner and used to produce the “EXIT Europe Impact Assessment Report” in Activity 6.3 of WP6 as well as to ensure the continuous legal/ethical monitoring and review of Activity 6.4 of WP6.
Original languageEnglish
Commissioning bodyEuropean Commission
Number of pages46
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2019


  • EXIT Europe
  • Violent Extremism
  • Legal Framework


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