Fatigue Assessment of an operational wind farm

Research output: Unpublished contribution to conferencePoster


Fatigue life is a design driver for offshore wind
turbines. A better understanding on the mechanisms
behind fatigue can improve design and thus reduce the
initial cost of future substructures. This contribution
aims to improve the understanding of fatigue life
progression in a wind farm through monitoring.
Measurements on an existing structure allow
linking the fatigue life progression to different
operational and environmental conditions, which
can then be returned as a design input. In addition a
continuously monitored fatigue life can serve an
important role in deciding over wind farm inspections,
repowering or lifetime extension.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventWindfarms 2015 - Leuven, Belgium
Duration: 8 Jul 201510 Jul 2015


ConferenceWindfarms 2015


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