Feelings of insecurity in context: Theoretical perspectives for studying fear of crime in late life

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This paper broadens theoretical perspectives on fear of crime in late life by exploring the concept against the backdrop of a changing society. Since the emergence of the first studies that address fear of crime in late life, research overemphasizes the search for related independent variables being heedless of a thorough theoretical framework. Recent researchers, however, perceive the construct of 'fear of crime' as an 'umbrella' concept, which encompasses crime related fear and more diffuse 'feelings of insecurity'. In response to a lack of macro-theorizing, this article illuminates some of the most important characteristics and descriptions of contemporary societies that are relevant to fear of crime. It is shown that in relation to fear of crime, the macro-level of society can be conceptualized as having four important ambivalences. In conclusion, the article identifies societal processes and contemporary dynamics which can guide further exploration of increased feelings of insecurity and uncertainty in an ageing society.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPublic economics, public management & public policy
EditorsSavasan Balci, Ozkivrak
PublisherInternational Conference on Social Sciences
Number of pages16
ISBN (Print)978-605-5741-15-0
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2009

Bibliographical note

Balci, Savasan & Ozkivrak


  • fear of crime
  • feelings of insecurity
  • elderly
  • older people
  • vulnerability
  • macro-societal developments


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