Gendered Shares of the Family Rush Hour in Fulltime Dual Earner Families. A Cross National Comparison

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There are recognised cross-national differences in the average amount and gender division of paid work and unpaid domestic work and care, but country differences between men and women in the timing and intensity of this daily workload remain under-investigated. Using couple-level time-use data from Australia, the UK, Finland, Korea and Spain (n=1838), we probe cross-national differences in gendered time availability and constraint, focusing particularly on the early evening ‘family rush hour’. We identify daily time periods during which one partner in a fulltime dual-earner parent couple performs routine time-critical household labor and care, whilst the other partner is simultaneously at leisure. In all five countries fathers in dual fulltime earner couples are more likely than mothers to be at lei- sure whilst their partner does unpaid work, and this disparity occurs most in the early even- ing. Multivariate analyses reveal the unpaid work-leisure gap is widest in Korea and nar- rowest in the UK, confounding expectations that social democratic Finland would be most equitable in this measure.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)385-405
Number of pages21
JournalSocial Indicators Research
Issue number1
Early online date24 Sep 2020
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2021


  • time-use
  • gender division of labour
  • family rush hour
  • gender and family


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