Grip work measurement with the Jamar Dynamometer: validation of a simple equation for clinical use

Liza De Dobbeleer, Ingo Beyer, Ase Marie Hansen, Drude Molbo, Erik L. Mortensen, Rikke Lund, Ivan Bautmans

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OBJECTIVES: Previously, we developed and validated an easy test to measure muscle fatigability during sustained maximal handgrip contraction in older persons using a Martin Vigorimeter device. This study aimed at validating the equation to estimate grip work (GW) during sustained maximal handgrip contraction, by monitoring continuously the grip strength (GS) decay using a Jamar Dynamometer-like (JD) device.

DESIGN: Cross sectional, explorative study.

SETTING: Data collection took place at The National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Copenhagen, Denmark.

PARTICIPANTS: 962 subjects, belonging to a subgroup of the Copenhagen Aging and Midlife Biobank, were enrolled.

METHODS: GS was recorded continuously during sustained maximal contraction until it dropped to 50% of its maximum and fatigue resistance (FR, time to fatigue) was noted. GW, area under the force-time curve, was compared to its estimate which was calculated as GWestimated=GSmax*0.75*FR.

RESULTS: Excellent correlation was found between GWestimated and GWmeasured (R²=0.98 p<0.001). The equation slightly overestimated GW by 6.04 kg*s (95% CI[-0.08, 12.15]) with a coefficient of variation method error of 6%.

CONCLUSION: GW estimation is a valid parameter reflecting muscle work output during a sustained maximal grip effort in healthy middle-aged community-dwelling persons when using a JD. GW estimation is a promising outcome parameter in comprehensive geriatric assessment and its validation for commonly used instruments in geriatric practice will increase its clinical implementation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)221-224
Number of pages4
JournalThe Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2019


  • Grip work
  • Jamar Dynamometer
  • grip strength
  • muscle fatigue
  • validity


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