Health literacy, quality of life, work productivity and activity impairment in young adults with Crohn's disease compared to diabetes mellitus patiënts: longterm follow-up from the Belgian Crohn's Disease Registry.

C Carels, L Wauters, F Baert, P Bossuyt, Bruno Hauser, R Hilbrands, I Hoffman, B Keymeulen, A Outtier, I Paquot, I Ruytjens, M Simeosn, C Thienpont, A Verreth, B Verstockt, S Vermeire, Geneviève Veereman

Research output: Unpublished contribution to conferencePoster

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - Oct 2019
EventUnited European Gastroenterology Week - Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 19 Oct 201923 Oct 2019


ConferenceUnited European Gastroenterology Week

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