Hidden symmetries and Dirac fermions

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36 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper, two things are done. First, we analyse the compatibility of Dirac fermions with the hidden duality symmetries which appear in the toroidal compactification of gravitational theories down to three spacetime dimensions. We show that the Pauli couplings to the p-forms can be adjusted, for all simple (split) groups, so that the fermions transform in a representation of the maximal compact subgroup of the duality group G in three dimensions. Second, we investigate how the Dirac fermions fit in the conjectured hidden overextended symmetry G++. We show compatibility with this symmetry up to the same level as in the pure bosonic case. We also investigate the BKL behaviour of the Einstein-Dirac-p-form systems and provide a group theoretical interpretation of the Belinskii-Khalatnikov result that the Dirac field removes chaos.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3595-3622
Number of pages28
JournalClassical and Quantum Gravity
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 7 Sep 2005


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