Identifying Situation-based Emotions using the Social Robot Probo: A case study in autism spectrum disorders.

Cristina Pop, Ramona Simut Vanderborght, Sebastian Pintea, Alina S. Rusu, Jelle Saldien, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Daniel D David, Dirk Lefeber, Bram Vanderborght

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paper


This study expands the current body of research in the area of interventions for improving emotion recognition abilities skills of children with ASD by incorporating the use of technology (social robots) to implement an intervention technique in therapy. Using for the first time a social robots in order to improve children's ability to recognize emotions, our results show that for the subject in our study, the performance has clearly improved when the Probos active face was used. While previous research focused mostly on facial expression recognized especially from photographs, this study brings added value by using situation-based emotions in order to help children understand the social context in which emotion may appear.
Consequently, the preliminary outcomes of this exploratory research provide proofs for further investigations regarding the effectiveness of RAT for improving emotional abilities for children with ASD through future randomized clinical trials, both efficacy and effectiveness studies (see also David, Miclea & Opre, 2003).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Conference on Innovative Technologies for Autism Spectrum Disorders. ASD: Tools, Trends and Testimonials.
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jul 2012
Event1st International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Autism Spectrum Disorders in Valencia - Valencia, Spain
Duration: 6 Jul 20128 Jul 2012


Conference1st International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Autism Spectrum Disorders in Valencia


  • social robot
  • emotion recognition
  • robot assisted therapy (RAT)
  • autism spectrum disorder (ASD)


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