Legal Analysis of Existing Schemes: Deliverable 4.1 for the CRISP project

Irene Kamara, Paul De Hert, Rosamunde Van Brakel, Alessia Tanas, Ioulia Konstantinou, Cristina Pauner, Jorge Viguri, Artemi Rallo, Rosario Garcia, Florian Fritz, Roger Von Laufenberg, Eva Kalan, Jelena Burnik

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportResearch


The Legal Analysis of existing schemes is one of the deliverables of Work Package 4. The report incorporates the legal study on security products, systems and services on the basis of four dimensions: security, trust, efficiency and freedom infringements (STEFi). It also examines the legal framework, standards and guidance from standardisation bodies related to certification. The chapter on the security aspect outlines the core legislation of the main security areas in the EU as categorised in the CRISP taxonomy, such as security of citizens and security of infrastructures, and identifies legal demands for security products, systems and services. The chapter on the trust aspect addresses the issue of trust of the scrutinised and end users to security products, systems and services and draws special requirements for security standards and certification schemes in that respect. The chapter on the efficiency aspect approaches the matter of how efficient security measures are through the three case studies of WP4: CCTV, alarm systems and drones. The chapter on the freedom infringements aspect analyses the legal demands for security measures in terms of data protection and privacy, presumption of innocence, equal treatment and non-discrimination, fair trial and due process. The last part of the report presents and analyses existing evaluation and certification schemes for CCTV, alarm systems and drones and assesses to what extent the schemes correspond to the legal demands and requirements identified in the legal study of the report and highlights good practices from a legal perspective.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherCRISP project
Commissioning bodyEuropean Commission
Number of pages174
Publication statusPublished - 30 Apr 2015


  • security
  • trust
  • efficiency
  • freedom infringement
  • certification schemes
  • standarisation
  • data protection
  • privacy
  • non-discrimination
  • bodily integrity
  • freedom of movement
  • due process
  • CCTV
  • drones
  • alarm systems
  • presumption of innocence


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