Mastoid pneumocele with secondary pneumatocele causing external auditory canal obstruction and the influence of forced nose blowing.

Frans Gordts, Peter Clement

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


We present a case involving a 36-year old man who had a feeling that his right ear was obstructed and who had associated conductive hearing loss that was exacerbated by nose blowing. On otoscopy, a soft-tissue swelling was seen in the posterosuperior aspect of the right external auditory canal. Computed tomography revealed the presence of hyperaerated mastoid air cells and air-containing cavicy connected with the enlarged mastoid air cells, narrowing the external auditory canal. A radiographic diagnosis of mastoid pneumocele with secondary pneumatocele was made. A novel hypothesis is presented, that high nasal pressures play an important role in the progressive formation of pneumocele/pneumatocele as a result of air invasion via the eustachian tube. Symptoms disappeared after a myringotomy was placed. Computed tomography performed 6 months later showed an impressive remodeling of the temporal bone.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3-5
Number of pages3
JournalEar, Nose and Throat Journal
Issue number2010
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • mastoid
  • pneumocele
  • pneumatocele
  • auditory
  • canal
  • obstruction
  • nose
  • blowing


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