Measuring and analysis of nonlinear characterization of lithium-ion batteries using multisin excitation signal.

Yousef Firouz, Noshin Omar, Shovon Goutam, Jean-Marc Paul Timmermans, Peter Van Den Bossche, Joeri Van Mierlo

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paper

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This paper introduces a novel methodology for analysis in the frequency domain. This methodology looks to the battery from a different point of view and covers aspects of the battery that is often neglected in other works and analysis battery precisely. Using periodic signals such as random phase multisine for system identification, allows separating noise and nonlinear distortions from the linear part of the system’s response.In addition to a shorter test time in comparison with conventional single sine EIS, by performing extra periods and different phase realizations, transients are eliminated and noise disturbance and also nonlinear distortion is detected.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationElectric Vehicle Symposium (EVS) 29
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 19 Jun 2016
Event29th Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition - Palais des congrès de Montréal, Montreal, Canada
Duration: 19 Jun 201622 Jun 2016
Conference number: 29


Conference29th Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition
Abbreviated titleEVS
Internet address


  • lithium battery model, multisine, nonlinear distortion, linear approximation, noise measurements


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