Media ID - D 6.1: Scenario description and social requirements analysis - Part 1: An explorative qualitative user study

Paulien Coppens, Wendy Van den Broeck

    Research output: Book/ReportOther reportResearch


    This deliverable reports on task 6.1.: Use practices, privacy issues and scenarios for Media ID.
    In this partial deliverable (D6.1), we report on a first explorative user study consisting of qualitative research.
    More specific, this first research phase focuses on the user attitudes and expectations towards privacy, identity management and personalization/profiling. The general aim of task 6.1. is the development of Media ID scenarios. However, in a first workshop on scenarios with the Media ID partners (28 May 2013) it was determined that the first phase of T6.1. should focus on current user practices and expectations towards Media ID in its most basic user scenario: as a single sign on. The development of more elaborate scenarios is therefore postponed to a second phase of the research, although in the qualitative research that was conducted in this first research phase, already some possible value-­added services came up (see infra).
    In this partial deliverable, we will discuss the research design and findings of the first explorative qualitative study, consisting of four focus group interviews with both experts and users. In this research, first user perceptions and expectations towards the Media ID concept were investigated.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2013

    Publication series

    NameDeliverable 6.1


    • The Media Ecosystem
    • Media Innovations
    • Single Sign On
    • Privacy & Identity Management
    • User Research
    • Focus groups


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